Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Overthinking kills yourself

The biggest problem in my life is overthinking. I think too much, more than you could even
imagine, more than you could even dream of imagining, more than you could even imagine
to dream. Overthinking has pros as well as cons. If I think about anything too much, I get a futuristic view of the situation, the possible outcomes that might come out and the probability of me encountering any difficulties which would hinder me from getting the desired outcome. On the other hand, it makes me work a lot inside my mind, thinking pessimistically about the infinite barriers that would stop me from getting my outcome, estimating about the odds of me not getting what I actually want. This type of thinking leads me into a melancholy mood, consequently makes me feel hollow inside, and ultimately deprives me of all the enthusiasm and will I optimistically would have had to work hard to get my desired outcome. People question me about the wisdom possessed by people who are into this habit of overthinking. Overthinking is not bad after all, you can make very wise decisions if you think about all the possibilities, but it’s not a good thing to do always because it makes you get yourself into a series of unlimited frames of reference which do not even account for their own existence, but only make you feel as if you are not following the right path and finally make you stop doing the right thing. Overthinking disallows you from following the adventurous feeling of curiosity and excitement you get while you are going to do something new, something which you haven’t ever done before. It deprives you of the experience you would possibly get while following this feeling independent of the subsequent result. In this way, it blocks your approach to variety in the ways by which you could possibly handle a situation, by making you think only about the pessimistic roadblocks and not letting you stumble upon the inspirational optimistic ones. But even after this unneeded process of overthinking, the end product of your entire though process about doing a particular thing depends upon your determination and will power. If ever your mind and your heart are involved in a conflict over making a right decision, you will have more tendencies to listen to your heart rather than your brain. Or it can be just the opposite in case of some people. So why do we need to overthink? Why do I overthink when it’s not a good enterprise, when it’s not a rewarding hobby that has to be practiced? I personally am coy about this topic, because I myself am unaware about it. I fail to understand why in the world I integrated into myself this habit of overthinking. I admit that I didn’t go searching for it, nor did I read something one day and acquire this strange habit of mine. All I can conclude about the origin of it is that I got it naturally when I grew up, grew up in the sense – went through experiences, both good as well as bad. Experience in itself has a deep meaning, it’s not just a word, it’s a feeling of you having conquered over something, or sometimes a feeling of you having lost everything in this world. Well, experience and feeling are not exactly synonyms for each other, but they are related to each other. You can’t experience new things if you don’t get the feeling of trying out something new. You can’t develop the various feelings if you haven’t had any sweet or bitter experience in your life. Well, life is in itself an experience as well as a feeling. Life is a bitter sweet symphony; those who haven’t had the bitter experience are too soft to be exposed to the harsh world, while those have had too much of it deny the possibility of anything good happening in their life. Again, I am overthinking, if you see how I deviated myself from this habit of mine to optimism and pessimism, and then to experience and life, and then to bitter and sweet experiences. Over all these years overthinking has made me draw out conclusions which were far from the actual truth, which made me hurt myself in the curtains of my self-created scenarios, which made me think that I am too different to be accepted by the society, which made me feel like a melancholic guy who was always contemplating about his existentialism, just cause of this habit of overthinking. Had I not possessed this overthinking, I would had took up the chances I got in the right place, at the right time, and now I would have had been a proud man, even though if I weren’t successful, but just because I would then have had nothing I could have had regretted about. Again, I was just overthinking while writing about this regretful habit of mine, overthinking.